The position is extremely unbalanced and it looks like a position where a lot of RAM will be very useful. I suspect that objectively White is at least somwhat better. But in order to make use of his chances he must know what he is doing. Black scores very well in my database - probably because in most games he is the more experienced Noteboom player.
I am no expert on the line but would like to collect some essential games and annotate them on this blog. My annotations will mainly be based on van der Vorm and van der Werf's out-of-print monograph and Rybka's output.
Some candidate games so far are:
- Kasparov-Tyomkin, Tel Aviv (sim) 1994 and
- Oei-Van Wissen, Leeuwarden open 1993, illustrating White’s attacking possibilities supported by his huge pawn centre.
- Lin Weiguo-Stangl, Beijing 1995, illustrating the power of Black’s connected queenside passers.
- Thieme-Van der Worm, Leidschendam 1994, showing why White should be careful meeting ...e5 with dxe5.
Could any readers help me with more (or better) candidate games - in particular recent ones with at least one strong player involved?
see Alexander Onischuk vs Alexey Shirov (2007).
Annotations by GM Dorian Rogozenko via chessbase.com
Very interesting and probably of theoretical significance. But is really a black kingside attack typical for the Noteboom?
A recently completed Rybka assisted CC game featuring the Noteboom is below. Note that the game was over long before the unfortunate mouse-slip forced the resignation.
[Event "ZH-2009-0-00276"]
[Site "Lechenicher SchachServer"]
[Date "2009.05.02"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Ponting, Andrew"]
[Black "Gates, Roy"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "1989"]
[BlackELO "2020"]
[EventDate "2009.04.05"]
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 c6 4. Nc3 dxc4
5. a4 Bb4 6. e3 b5 7. Bd2 a5 8. axb5
Bxc3 9. Bxc3 cxb5 10. b3 Bb7 11. bxc4
b4 12. Bb2 Nf6 13. Bd3 O-O 14. O-O Nbd7
15. Re1 Re8 16. c5 Bc6 17. Bc2 Ne4 18. Ba4
Qc7 19. Qc2 Rec8 20. Rec1 h6 21. Ne1
Nef6 22. f3 e5 23. Bxc6 Qxc6 24. dxe5
Nd5 25. Bd4 a4 26. e4 Nc7 27. Qc4 b3
28. Nd3 Rd8 29. e6 Nxe6 30. Nb4 Qc7
31. Nd5 Qa5 32. Rab1 Ndxc5 33. Bxc5
Rdc8 34. Ne7+ Kh7 35. Nxc8 Rxc8 36. Qd3
Nxc5 37. Rd1 Nxd3 0-1
I'm also in the process of wrapping up another Noteboom game that will end 0-1. If my first game was of interest, I'd be happy send along the other game when it's finished in a week or two. (I'm not sure if you're interested in non-GM games or not?)
Here's another Noteboom game:
[Event "RA-2009-0-00047"]
[Site "Lechenicher SchachServer"]
[Date "2009.05.04"]
[Round "-"]
[White "Rovchakov, Vladimir"]
[Black "Gates, Roy"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteELO "2071"]
[BlackELO "2230"]
[EventDate "2009.03.18"]
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 e6 3. c4 c6 4. Nc3 dxc4
5. a4 Bb4 6. e3 b5 7. Bd2 a5 8. axb5
Bxc3 9. Bxc3 cxb5 10. b3 Bb7 11. bxc4
b4 12. Bb2 Nf6 13. Bd3 O-O 14. O-O Nbd7
15. Nd2 Qc7 16. Bc2 e5 17. d5 Rfe8 18. Re1
Nb6 19. f4 Nxc4 20. Nxc4 Qxc4 21. d6
Nd7 22. Rc1 Qd5 23. Qxd5 Bxd5 24. Ba4
Red8 25. fxe5 Nb6 26. Bb5 a4 27. Bd4
Nd7 28. e4 Be6 29. Bc6 b3 30. Bxa8 Rxa8
31. Kf2 a3 32. Ra1 a2 33. Ke3 Rb8 34. Re2
Kf8 35. Rb2 Ke8 36. h3 Rc8 37. g4 Nb8
38. Rf2 Nc6 39. Bc3 Rb8 40. Kf4 Rb5
41. h4 Rc5 42. Bb2 Na5 43. g5 Nc4 44. h5
Nxb2 45. Rxb2 Kd7 46. Rh2 g6 47. hxg6
hxg6 48. Rb2 Rc3 49. Rd2 Bc4 50. Rg2
Rd3 51. Re1 Kc6 0-1
Dear Roy/CC,
I am looking for 'model games' and games of non-GMs may well be of interest. But it would be a lot easier for me if you added some thoughts about why these games are particularly typical/instructive.
Hello Sverre
How about writing a book about the Noteboom. I love it and play it with black and white
I think there's already a Noteboom book in the works at this moment (by Everyman Chess):
The Triangle System: Challenging White in the Semi-Slav' by Glenn Flear for November/December 2010.
I guess you'll get your wish by the end of this year, if they don't delay or cancel the project.
Thanks. Where do you find out about these proposed new books/ I check out Amazon.com's new releases but this Noteboom book does not show up there yet
I got that info from the chatter over at the chesspub forum. And if you go to the everyman chess website, you can click on A-Z to see all their book titles (old, new, future etc.) I doubt Amazon would post this info so far in advance.
Seems they have changed authors on the book that is in progress:
There Ruslan Scherbakov is given as the author.
On this (http://www.everymanchess.com/chess/books/The_Triangle_System%3A_Challenging_White_in_the_Semi-Slav)
page it says "Published: August 2011 EU, August 2011 US".
It seems one has to wait almost a year before the book will be published.
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