I have never been much of a football enthusiast myself and consequently not in the best position to find out what's going on. But now maybe I will be able to read up on the subject.
There is now a new book available titled "Football & Chess". I have no idea about its content except what I can guess from its title but I suppose there at least will be a mention of a couple of Norwegian chess players.
Norway's first chess star, Simen Agdestein is well known for being a top GM (number 16 on the rating lists) at the same time as he successfully played on the Norwegian national team. Tim Krabbe has written an article on this in his Chess Curiosities.
Less well known is the fact that one of clubs in the Norwegian Youth Chess Federation used to be called "Åvangen ball og sjakk" and in fact was a combined football and chess club. The youth section of my chess club (OSSU) used to play some chess and football matches against them. The details varied but the matches always consisted of a football part where each goal scored counted for one point as did each win in the subsequent chess match (which were played over 11 boards or so). Obviously the players were the same in both matches. I seem to remember that the chess results tended to contribute more to the final result than the football goals did, so maybe the goals should have been weighted heavier - maybe two points for a goal could be worth a try.
I have never heard that Magnus Carlsen's football abilities are matching his teacher's but he is a healthy and sporty boy so I was not surprised to see in this ChessBase reportage that among the top chess players he is the football star.
Addendum March 25th:
Here is the Table of Content as found at Schachversand Niggemann:
003 Introduction
007 Football and Chess
011 Part 1 - The Technical Elements
013 Building connections
019 Dominating the Midfield
023 Build-up Play
032 Mobility
035 Piece Positions
038 Using Space
043 Creating Space
048 Exploiting Weaknesses
055 Stretching the Defence
057 Combinations
061 Defending
068 Stretch and Compress
071 Pressing
078 Rotating
084 Attacking from the Back
088 The Spare Man
091 The Hole
095 Using the width
101 Part 2 - The Coach as Chess Player
103 Benitez vs Ancelotti
113 Part 3 - General Strategic Concepts for Controlling the Game
115 The Initiative
125 The Mini-Battles
126 Balance
129 Part 4 - Psychological Factors
131 Awareness
135 Creativity
137 Daring
140 Concentration
143 Emotional control
145 Surprise
147 Part 5 - General Features and Aesthetics
149 Comebacks
151 Luck
153 Style
159 Evolution of the Games
163 The Beautiful Games
166 The Future
169 Bibliography
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